Adrian Gozar
Inelastic Light Scattering in Low Dimensional Quantum Spin Systems, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2004. [Abstract]
Andreas Koitzsch
Spectroscopic investigation of many-body effects in hole and electron-doped cuprates, Ph.D. Dissertation, IFW Dresden, 2004.
Mumtaz Qazilbash
Tunneling and Raman Spectroscopies of the Electron-doped High-temperature Superconductors, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Maryland at College Park, 2004. [Abstract]
Christopher Sauer
Model Calculations of Raman Responses For Multiband Iron-based Superconductors, Thesis for M.S. Degree, Rutgers University, 2009. [Abstract]
Aleksej Mialitsin
Raman Scattering from Layered Superconductors: Effects of Charge Ordering, Two-band Superconductivity, and Structural Disorder, Ph.D. Dissertation, Rutgers University, 2010. [Abstract]
Weilu Zhang
Investigation of the nematic order in the iron-based superconductors and the superconductivity of the Cr-based materials by Raman spectroscopy. [Abstract]
Shangfei Wu
Electronic Raman Scattering Study of “122”-type Iron-Based Superconductors. [Abstract]
Hsiang-Hsi Kung
Collective excitations in the antisymmetric channel of Raman spectroscopy.[Abstract]
Mai Ye
Inelastic light scattering study of correlated electron systems. [Abstract]
Alexander Lee
Electronic Raman scattering in bismuth based metals with helical spin texture. [Abstract]