Publications by Year
- Shangfei Wu, Xianghan Xu, Fei-Ting Huang, Turan Birol, Sang-Wook Cheong, Girsh Blumberg. Phonon anomalies within the polar charge density wave phase of superconductor Mo3Al2C with structural chirality. ArXiv Link: arXiv:2502.19826. PDF: File
- Shangfei Wu, Mason Klemm, Jay Shah, Ethan T. Ritz, Chunruo Duan, Xiaokun Teng, Bin Gao, Feng Ye, Masaaki Matsuda, Fankang Li, Xianghan Xu, Ming Yi, Turan Birol, Pengcheng Dai, Girsh Blumberg. Symmetry breaking and ascending in the magnetic kagome metal FeGe. WebLink: Phys. Rev. X 14, 011043 (2024) ArXiv Link: arXiv:2309.14314 PDF: File
- Surajit Sarkar, Alexander Lee, Girsh Blumberg, Saurabh Maiti. Spin-orbit interaction enabled electronic Raman scattering from charge collective modes. WebLink: Phys Rev B, 109, 035160 (2024) ArXiv Link: arXiv:2306.1124 PDF: File
- A. C. Lee, S. Sarkar, K. Du, H.-H. Kung, C. J. Won, K. Wang, S.-W. Cheong, S. Maiti, G. Blumberg. Spin-Mediated Direct Photon Scattering by Plasmons in BiTeI. WebLink: Phys. Rev. B 109, L041111 (2024) ArXiv Link: arXiv:2310.04394 PDF: File
- Shangfei Wu, Fei-Ting Huang, Xianghan Xu, Ethan T. Ritz, TuranBirol, Sang-Wook Cheong, and Girsh Blumberg. Polar charge density wave in a superconductor with crystallographic chirality. WebLink: Nature Communications 15, 9276 (2024) ArXiv Link: arXiv:2410.20921 PDF: File
A. Glezer Moshe, R. Nagarajan, U. Nagel, T. Rõõm, G. Blumberg. Modified Martin-Puplett interferometer for magneto-optical Kerr effect measurements at sub-THz frequencies. WebLink: Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 113907 (2024). ArXiv Link: arXiv:2407.19334 PDF: File
- A. Lee, H.-H. Kung, Xueyun Wang, S.-W. Cheong, G. Blumberg. Electronic and Vibrational Excitations on the Surface of the Three-Dimensional Topological Insulator Bi2Te3−xSex (x = 0, 2, 3).WebLink: Phys. Rev. B 108, 174301(2023) ArXiv Link: arXiv:2305.17546 PDF: File
- Shangfei Wu, Brenden R. Ortiz, Hengxin Tan, Stephen D. Wilson, Binghai Yan, Turan Birol, Girsh Blumberg. Charge density wave order in kagome metal AV3Sb5 (A= Cs, Rb, K). WebLink: Phys. Rev. B 105, 155106 (2022) ArXiv Link: arXiv:2201.05188 PDF: File (Editors’ Suggestion)
- A. C. Lee, B. Peng, K. Du, H.-H. Kung, B. Monserrat, S.-W. Cheong, C. J. Won, G. Blumberg. Chiral Electronic Excitations in a Quasi-2D Rashba System BiTeI. WebLink: Phys. Rev. B 105 L161105 (2022) ArXiv Link: arXiv:2202.03569 PDF: File
- Mai Ye, Hsiang-Hsi Kung, Priscila F. S. Rosa, Eric D. Bauer, Kristjan Haule, Girsh Blumberg. Anisotropy of Kondo-lattice coherence in momentum space for CeCoIn5. ArXiv Link: arXiv:2202.09642 PDF: File
- M. Ye, X.-H. Xu, X.-Y. Wang, J. Kim, S.-W. Cheong, G. Blumberg. Crystal-field excitations and quadrupolar fluctuations of 4f-electron systems studied by polarized light scattering. WebLink: J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2164 012054 (2022) PDF: File
- Hsiang-Hsi Kung. Collective Excitations in the Antisymmetric Channel of Raman Spectroscopy. Part of the Springer Theses book series (Springer Theses). PDF: File
- Pavel A. Volkov, Mai Ye, Himanshu Lohani, Irena Feldman, Amit Kanigel, Girsh Blumberg. Critical charge fluctuations and emergent coherence in a strongly correlated excitonic insulator. WebLink: npj Quantum Materials volume 6, Article number: 52 (2021) ArXiv Link: arXiv:2007.07344 PDF: File
- Mai Ye, Pavel A. Volkov, Himanshu Lohani, Irena Feldman, Minsung Kim, Amit Kanigel, Girsh Blumberg, Lattice dynamics of the excitonic insulator Ta2Ni(Se1−xSx)5. WebLink: Physical Review B 104, 045102 (2021) ArXiv Link: arXiv:2102.07912 PDF: File (Editors’ Suggestion)
- Pavel A. Volkov, Mai Ye, Himanshu Lohani, Irena Feldman, Amit Kanigel, Girsh Blumberg, Failed excitonic quantum phase transition in Ta2Ni(Se1−xSx)5. WebLink: Phys. Rev. B 104, L241103 (Letter) (2021) ArXiv Link: arXiv:2104.07032 PDF: File
- Mai Ye, Xianghan Xu, Xiangyue Wang, Jaewook Kim, Sang-Wook Cheong, Girsh Blumberg, Crystal-field excitations and vibronic modes in triangular-lattice spin-liquid candidate TbInO3. WebLink: Phys. Rev. B 104, 085102 (2021) ArXiv Link: arXiv:2104.07032 PDF: File
- W.-L. Zhang, S.-F. Wu, S. Kasahara, T.Shibauchi, Y. Matsuda, G. Blumberg, Quadrupolar charge dynamics in the nonmagnetic FeSe1−xSx superconductors. WebLink: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences May 2021, 118 (20) e2020585118 ArXiv Link: arXiv:1710.0989 PDF: File
- Pavel A. Volkov, Choong-Jae Won,D. I. Gorbunov, Jaewook Kim, Mai Ye, Heung-Sik Kim, J. H. Pixley, Sang-Wook Cheong,G. Blumberg. Random singlet state in Ba5CuIr3O12 single crystals.
Phys. Rev. B 101, 020406 (R) (2020) arXiv e-print PDF - S.-F. Wu, A. Almoalem, I. Feldman, A. Lee, A. Kanigel, G. Blumberg. Superconductivity and phonon self-energy effects in Fe1+yTe0.6Se0.4.
Phys. Rev. Research 2,013373 (2020) arXiv e-print PDF - S.-F. Wu, W.-L. Zhang, L. Li, H.-B. Cao, H.-H. Kung, A. S. Sefat, H. Ding, P. Richard, G. Blumberg. Coupling of fully symmetric As phonon to magnetism in Ba(Fe1−xAux)2As2.
Phys. Rev. B 102,014501 (2020) PDF - S.-F. Wu,W.-L. Zhang, V. K. Thorsmølle, G. F. Chen, G. T. Tan, P. C. Dai, Y. G. Shi, C. Q. Jin, T. Shibauchi, S. Kasahara, Y. Matsuda, A. S. Sefat, H. Ding, P. Richard, and G. Blumberg. In-plane electronic anisotropy resulted from ordered magnetic moment in iron-based superconductors.
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033140 (2020) PDF
- M.Ye, H.-H. Kung, P. F. S. Rosa, E. D. Bauer, Z. Fisk, and G. Blumberg. Raman spectroscopy of f-electron metals: an example of CeB6.
Phys. Rev. Materials 3, 065003 (2019) arXiv e-print PDF - M.Ye, E. W. Rosenberg, I. R. Fisher, and G. Blumberg. Lattice dynamics, crystal-field excitations and quadrupolar fluctuations of YbRu2Ge2.
Phys. Rev. B 99.235104 (2019) arXiv e-print PDF - H.-H. Kung, A. P. Goyal, D. L. Maslov, X. Wang, A. Lee, A. F. Kemper, S.-W. Cheong, and G. Blumberg. Observation of chiral surface excitons in a topological insulator Bi2Se3.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 116,4006 (2019) arXiv e-print PDF
- M. Ye, H.-S. Kim, J.-W. Kim, C.-J. Won, K. Haule, D. Vanderbilt, S.-W. Cheong and G. Blumberg. Covalency-driven collapse of strong spin-orbit coupling in face-sharing iridium octahedra.
Phys. Rev. B 98, 201105 (2018) (R)arXiv e-printPDF - W.-L. Zhang, Y. Song, W.-Y. Wang, C.-D. Cao, P.-C. Dai C.-Q. Jin, and G. Blumberg. Raman scattering study of NaFe0.53Cu0.47As.
Phys. Rev. B 9 8. 094512 (2018)arXiv e-prinPDF - W.-L. Zhang, W. R. Meier, T. Kong, P. C. Canfield and G. Blumberg. High Tc superconductivity in CaKFe4As4 in absence of nematic fluctuations.
Phys. Rev. B. 98. 140501 (2018)arXiv e-printPDF
- S.-F. Wu, W.-L. Zhang, L. Li, H. B. Cao, H.-H. Kung, A. S. Sefat, H. Ding, P. Richard, and G. Blumberg. On the origin of critical nematic fluctuations in pnictide superconductors.
arXiv e-printPDF - H.-H. Kung, S. Maiti, X. Wang, S.-W. Cheong, D. L. Maslov, G. Blumberg.
Chiral Spin Mode on the Surface of a Topological Insulator.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 136802 (2017) PDF SUPPL - H.-H. Kung, M. Salehi, I. Boulares, A.F. Kemper, N. Koirala, M. Brahlek, P. Lostak, C. Uher, R. Merlin, X. Wang, S.-W. Cheong, S. Oh, G. Blumberg. Surface vibrational modes of the topological insulator Bi2Se3 observed by Raman spectroscopy.
Phys. Rev. B 95, 245406 (2017) arXiv e-print PDF - S.-F. Wu, P. Richard, H. Ding, H.-H. Wen, Guotai Tan, Meng Wang, Chenglin Zhang, Pengcheng Dai, G. Blumberg. Superconductivity and electronic fluctuations in Ba1−xKxFe2As2 studied by Raman scattering.
Phys. Rev. B 95, 085125 (2017) arXiv e-print PDF
- H.-H. Kung, S. Ran, N. Kanchanavatee, V. Krapivin, A. Lee, J.A. Mydosh, K. Haule, M.B. Maple, and G. Blumberg. The analogy between the `hidden order’ and the orbital antiferromagnetism in URu2Si2.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 227601 (2016) arXiv e-print PDF SUPPL - S.-F. Wu, W.-L. Zhang, D. Hu, H.-H. Kung, A. Lee, H.-C. Mao, P.-C. Dai, H. Ding, P. Richard and G. Blumberg. Collective excitations of dynamic Fermi surface deformations in BaFe2(As0.5P0.5)2.
arXiv e-print PDF - W.-L. Zhang, Athena S. Sefat, H. Ding, P. Richard, and G. Blumberg. Stress-induced nematicity in EuFe2As2 studied by phononic Raman spectroscopy.
Phys. Rev. B 94 014513 (2016) arXiv e-print PDF Kaleidoscope - W.-L. Zhang, Z. P. Yin, A. Ignatov, Z. Bukowski, Janusz Karpinski, Athena S. Sefat, H. Ding, P. Richard, and G. Blumberg. Raman scattering study of spin-density-wave-induced anisotropic electronic properties in AFe2As2 (A=Ca, Eu).
Phys. Rev. B 93 205106 (2016) arXiv e-print PDF - Daixiang Mou, Aashish Sapkota, H.-H. Kung, Viktor Krapivin, Yun Wu, A. Kreyssig, Xingjiang Zhou, A. I. Goldman, G. Blumberg. Rebecca Flint, and Adam Kaminski, Discovery of unconventional charge density wave at the surface of K0.9Mo6O17 .
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116 196401 (2016) arXiv e-print PDF SUPPL - V. K. Thorsmølle, M. Khodas, Z. P. Yin, Chenglin Zhang, S. V. Carr, Pengcheng Dai, and G. Blumberg. Critical Charge Fluctuations in Iron Pnictide Superconductors.
Phys. Rev. B 93 054515 (2016) arXiv e-print PDF
- B. S. Dennis, D. A. Czaplewski, M. I. Haftel, D. Lopez, G. Blumberg, and V. Aksyuk. Diffraction limited focusing and routing of gap plasmons by a metal-dielectric-metal lens.
Optical Express 23 21899 (2015) PDF - B. S. Dennis, M. I. Haftel, D. A. Czaplewski, D. Lopez, G. Blumberg, and V. Aksyuk. Compact nanomechanical plasmonic phase modulators.
Nature Photonics 9 267 (2015) arXiv e-print PDF - S. Ziemak, K. Kirshenbaum, S. R. Saha, R. Hu, J.-P. Reid, R. Gordon, L. Taillefer, D. Evtushinsky, S. Thirupathaiah, S. V. Borisenko, A. Ignatov, D. Kolchmeyer, G. Blumberg, and J. Paglione. Isotropic multi-gap superconductivity in BaFe1.9Pt0.1As2 from thermal transport and spectroscopic measurements.
Superconductor Science and Technology.28(1):014004 (2015)arXiv e-printPDF - H.-H. Kung, R. E. Baumbach, E. D. Bauer, V. K. Thorsmølle, W.-L. Zhang, K. Haule, J. A. Mydosh, and G. Blumberg. Chirality density wave of the `hidden order’ phase in URu2Si2. Science347 1339 (2015) arXiv e-print PDF SUPPL
- M. Khodas, A. V. Chubukov, and G. Blumberg. Collective modes in multiband superconductors: Raman scattering in iron selenides.
Phys. Rev. B 89, 245134 (2014) arXiv e-print PDF - A. Ignatov, R. H. Yuan, and N. L. Wang. Photo luminescence of Cooper pairs in a naturally in occurring heretostructure K0.75Fe1.75Se2.
arXiv e-print PDF
- Thorsmolle V.K., Homes C., Gozar A., Blumberg G., van Mechelen J. L. M., Kuzmenko A. B., Vanishri S., Marin C., Ronnow H. M. Phononic gaps in the charged incommensurate planes of Sr14Cu24O41.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 217401 (2012)arXiv eprintPDF - A. Ignatov, A. Kumar, P. Lubik, R. H. Yuan, W. T. Guo, N. L. Wang, K. Rabe, and G. Blumberg. Structural phase transition below 250K in superconducting K0.75Fe1.75Se2.
Phys. Rev. B 86, 134107 (2012) arXiv eprint PDF
- B. S. Dennis, V. Aksyuk, M. Haftel, S. Koev, G. Blumberg. Enhanced coupling between light and surface plasmons by nano-structured Fabry-Perot resonator.
Journal of Applied Phys. 110, 066102 (2011) PDF - M. B. Silva Neto, G. Blumberg, A. Gozar, S. Komiya, Y. Ando. Anisotropies in the optical ac and dc conductivities in lightly doped La2−xSrxCuO4: the role of deep and shallow acceptor states.
Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 23, 215602 (2011) PDF
- C. Sauer and G. Blumberg. Screening of the Raman response in multiband superconductors: Application to iron pnictides.
Phys. Rev. B 82, 014525 (2010) arXiv eprint PDF - J.-P. Ismer, I. Eremin, E. Rossi, D. K. Morr, G. Blumberg. Theory of multiband superconductivity in spin density wave metals.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 037003 (2010)arXiv eprint PDF
- A. Mialitsin, J. Kim, R. Kremer, and G. Blumberg. Superconductivity and lattice vibrations in CaC6 in the presence of disorder.
Phys. Rev. B 79, 064503 (R) (2009). arXiv eprint PDF - C. C. Homes, S.V. Dordevic, A. Gozar, G. Blumberg, T. Room, D. H Huvonen, U. Nagel, and H. Kageyama. Infrared spectra of the low-dimensional quantum magnet SrCu2(BO3)2: Measurements and ab initio calculations.
Phys. Rev. B 79,125101 (2009) PDF
- J. P. Hill, G. Blumberg, Young-June Kim, D. Ellis, S. Wakimoto, R. J. Birgeneau, Seiki Komiya, Y. Ando, B. Liang, R. L. Greene, D. Casa, and T. Gog. Observation of a 500 meV collective mode in La2−xSrxCuO4 and Nd2CuO4 using Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 097001 (2008) PDF
- Blumberg G., Mialitsin A., Dennis B.S., Klein M.V., Zhigadlo, N.D., and Karpinski J. Observation of Leggett’s collective mode ina multi-band MgB2 superconductor.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 227002 (2007). arXiv eprintPDF - Blumberg G., Mialitsin A., Dennis B.S., Zhigadlo N.D., and Karpinski J. Multi-Gap Superconductivity in MgB2: Magneto-Raman Spectroscopy.
Invited review in a special issue Superconductivity in MgB2: Physics and Applications Physica C 456 pp. 75-82 (2007). PDF - Mialitsin A., Dennis B.S., Zhigadlo N.D., Karpinski J., and Blumberg G. Anharmonicity and self-energy effects of E2g phonon in MgB2.
Phys. Rev. B 75 020509(R) (2007). PDF
- Haftel M.I., Schlockermann C., and Blumberg G. Role of cylindrical surface plasmons in enhanced transmission.
Phys. Rev. B 74 235405 (2006). PDF - Blumberg G., Mialitsin A., Dennis B.S., and Karpinski J. Superconductivity in MgB2: Magneto-Raman Measurements.
AIP Conference Proceedings 850 587 (2006). PDF - Blumberg G., Qazilbash M.M., Dennis B.S., and Greene R.L. Evolution of coherence and superconductivity in electron-doped Cuprates.
AIP Conference Proceedings 850 525 (2006). PDF - Benfatto L., Neto M.B.S., Gozar A., Dennis B.S., Blumberg G., Miller L.L., Komiya S., Ando Y. Field dependence of the magnetic spectrum in anisotropic and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya antiferromagnets. II. Raman spectroscopy.
Phys. Rev. B74 024416 (2006). PDF - Rusydi A., Abbamonte P., Eisaki H., Fujimaki Y., Blumberg G., Uchida S., Sawatzky G.A. Quantum melting of the hole crystal in the spin ladder of Sr14−xCaxCu24O41.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 016403 (2006). PDF - Haftel M.I., Schlockermann C., and Blumberg G. Role of cylindrical surface plasmons in enhanced transmission.
Applied Physics Lett. 88 193104 (2006). PDF - Reehuis M., Ulrich C., Prokes K., Gozar A., Blumberg G., Komiya S., Ando Y., Pattison P., Keimer B. Crystal structure and high-field magnetism of La2CuO4.
Phys. Rev.B 73 144513 (2006). PDF
- Qazilbash M. M., Koitzsch A., Dennis B. S., Gozar A., Balci H., Kendziora C. A., Greene R. L., and Blumberg G. Evolution of superconductivity in electron-doped cuprates: magneto-Raman spectroscopy. Phys. Rev. B 72 214510 (2005).(cond-mat/0510098). PDF
- Gozar A., Komiya Seiki, Ando Yoichi, and Blumberg G. Magnetic and Charge Correlations in La2−x−yNdySrxCuO4: Raman Scattering Study.
Frontiers in Magnetic Materials (Ed. A.V. Narlikar), Spinger-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 755-789 (2005). (cond-mat/0510191). PDF - Gozar A. and Blumberg G. Collective Magnetic Excitations in SrCu2(BO3)2.
Frontiers in Magnetic Materials (Ed. A.V. Narlikar), Spinger-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 735-754 (2005). (cond-mat/0509630). PDF - Gozar A. and Blumberg G. Electronic Properties of α-NaV2O5.
Frontiers in Magnetic Materials (Ed. A.V. Narlikar),Spinger-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 697-734 (2005).(cond-mat/0510192). PDF - Gozar A. and Blumberg G. Collective Spin and Charge Excitations in (Sr,La 14−xCaxCu24O41 Quantum Spin Ladders.
Frontiers in Magnetic Materials (Ed.A.V. Narlikar), Spinger-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 653-695 (2005). (cond-mat/0510193). PDF - Padilla W.J., Lee Y.S., Dumm M., Blumberg G., Ono S., Segawa Kouji, Komiya Seiki, Ando Yoichi, Basov D. N. Constant effective mass across the phase diagram of high-Tc cuprates.
Phys. Rev. B 72, p. 060511 (2005). (cond-mat/0509307). PDF - Gozar A., Dennis B. S., Kageyama H., and Blumberg G. Symmetry and light coupling to phononic and collective magnetic excitations in SrCu2(BO3)2. Phys. Rev. B 72, p. 064405 (2005). (cond-mat/0509304). PDF
- Abbamonte A., Blumberg G., Rusydi A., Gozar A., Evans P. G., Siegrist T. S., Venema L., Eisaki H., Isaacs E. D., and G. A. Sawatzky. Hole crystallization in the spin ladder of Sr14−xCaxCu24O41.
Nature 431, p. 1078 (2004). (cond-mat/0501087). PDF - Gozar A., Dennis B.S., Blumberg G., Komiya S., and Ando Y. Magnetic order in lightly doped La2−xSrxCuO4.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, p. 027001 (2004). (cond-mat/040724). PDF - Egorov D., Dennis B.S., and Blumberg G. Control of surface plasmons emitted from arrays of subwavelength apertures. Phys.Rev. B 70, p. 033404 (2004). PDF
- Gozar A., Blumberg G., Littlewood P., Dennis B.S., Motoyama N., Eisaki H., and Uchida S. Collective density-wave excitations in two-leg Sr14−xCaxCu24O41 ladders.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, p. 087401 (2003). PDF - Blumberg G., Koitzsch A., Gozar A., Dennis B.S., Kendziora C.A., Fournier P., and Greene R.L. Nonmonotonic dx2−y2 Superconducting Order Parameter in Nd2−xCexCuO4.
Reply. Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, p. 149702 (2003). PDF - Gozar A., Dennis B.S., Siegrist T., Horibe Y., Blumberg G., Komiya S., and Ando Y. Inhomogeneous CuO6 Tilt Distribution and Charge/Spin Correlations in La2−x−yNdySrxCuO4 around commensurate hole concentration.
Phys. Rev. B 68, p.052511 (2003). PDf - Koitzsch A., Blumberg G., Gozar A., Dennis B.S., Fournier P., and Greene R.L. Low-energy excitations around (π/2, π/2) points in the pseudogap phase of Nd2−xCexCuO4.
Phys. Rev. B 67, p. 184522 (2003). PDF - Blumberg G., Gozar A., Littlewood P., Dennis B.S., Motoyama N., Eisaki H., and Uchida S. Spin dynamics and sliding density wave in Sr14−xCaxCu24O41 ladders.
Physica C 91, p. 227 (2003). PDF
- Blumberg G., Littlewood P., Gozar A., Dennis B.S., Motoyama N., Eisaki H., and Uchida S. Sliding density wave in Sr14Cu24O41 ladder compound.
Science, 297, pp. 584-587 (26 July 2002). PDF - Blumberg G., Koitzsch A., Gozar A., Dennis B.S., Kendziora C.A., Fournier P., and Greene R.L. Nonmonotonic dx2−y2 Superconducting Order Parameter in Nd2−xCexCuO4.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, pp. 107002 (2002). PDF - Koitzsch A., Blumberg G., Gozar A., Dennis B.S., Ramirez A.P., Trebst S., and Wakimoto S. Antiferromagnetism in CaCu3Ti4O12 Studied by Magnetic Raman Spectroscopy. Phys. Rev. B 65, p. 052406 (2002). PDF
- Gozar A., Blumberg G., Dennis B.S., Shastry B.S., Motoyama N., Eisaki H., and Uchida S. Spin dynamics of Sr14Cu24O41 Two-Leg Ladder Studied by Raman Spectroscopy.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, p. 197202 (2001). pdf - Basov D.N., Homes C.C., Strongin M., Timusk T., Blumberg G., van der Marel D. Unconvential Energetics of the Pseudogap State and Superconducting State in High Tc Cuprates. Phys. Rev. B 63, p. 134514 (2001). pdf
- Ramirez A.P., Subramanian M.A., Gardel M., Blumberg G., Li D., Vogt T., Shapiro S.M. Giant dielectric constant response in a copper-titanate.
Solid State Communications 115, pp.217-220 (2000). - Liu H.L., Blumberg G., Klein M.V., Guptasarma P., and Hinks D.G. Electronic Raman scattering in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ excited with c-axis polarized light.
Physica C 341, pp. 2181-2184 (2000). - Blumberg G., Klein M.V. 1999. Raman Active Collective Mode in Underdoped Cuprates.
Physica B 280, pp. 180-181 (2000).
- Blumberg G., Klein M.V. 1999. Scattering Rate Anisotropy in the Pseudogap State of BSCCO.
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 117, pp. 1001-1005 (1999). - Chubukov A.V., Morr D.K., Blumberg G. 1999. Electronic Raman Scattering in Superconducting Cuprates.
Solid State Communications 112, pp. 183-188 (1999). - Liu H.L.,Blumberg G., Klein M.V., Guptasarma P., Hinks D. 1999.
c−axis Electronic Raman Scattering in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, pp. 3524-3527 (1999). pdf - Klein M.V. and Blumberg G. 1999. Effective Mass and Color Change.
Science, 283, pp. 42-43 (Jan. 1, 1999).
- Blumberg G., Kang M., Klein M.V., Kadowaki K, Kendziora C. Evolution of magnetic and superconducting fluctuations with doping of high-Tc superconductors.
Science, 278, pp. 1427-1432 (Nov. 21, 1997); (cond-mat/9711225). pdf - Blumberg G., Klein M.V., and S-W. Cheong. 1997. Charge and Spin Dynamics of an Ordered Stripe Phase in La1[2/3]Sr[1/3]NiO4 by Raman Spectroscopy.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, pp. 564-567 (1998); (cond-mat/9711139). pdf - Blumberg G., Klein M.V., Guptasarma P., Hinks D., and Kendziora C. Comment on “Pseudogap and Superconducting Gap in the Electronic Raman Spectra of Underdoped Cuprates”.
Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. - Blumberg G., Klein M.V., Kadowaki K., Kendziora C., Guptasarma P., and Hinks D. 1997. Evolution of magnetic and
superconducting fluctuations with doping of high-Tc superconductors (An electronic Raman scattering study).
J. Phys. Chem. Solids 59, pp. 1932-1936 (1998); (cond-mat/9711073). - Blumberg G., Klein M.V., and S-W. Cheong. 1997. Charge and Spin Dynamics of an Ordered Stripe Phase in La1[2/3]Sr[1/3]NiO4 by Raman Spectroscopy.
To appear in J. Phys. Chem. Solids. - Blumberg G., Kang M., and Klein M.V. 1997. Electronic Raman scattering of overdoped Tl2Ba2CuO6+δ in high magnetic fields.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, pp. 2461-2464. pdf - Bock A., Daum T., Blumberg G., Kang M., and Klein M.V. 1997. B1g phonon renormalization and background redistribution in overdoped
YBa2Cu3O7 films.
Submitted to Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communications). - Blumberg G. and Klein M. V. 1997. Evolution of the Electronic Raman Scattering in High-Tc Superconductors withDoping.
Physica C 282-287, pp. 1017. - Kang M., Blumberg G., and Klein M.V. 1997. Electronic Raman scattering study of the superconducting gap in single and double CuO2-layer Tl-Ba-(Ca)-Cu-O superconductors.
Physica C 282-287, pp.1027. - Blumberg G., Kang M., and Klein M. V. 1997. Electronic Raman scattering of overdoped Tl2Ba2CuO6+δ in high magnetic fields. Physica C 282-287, pp. 1009.
- Kang M., Blumberg G., Klein M.V., and Kolesnikov N.N. 1997. Electronic Raman scattering study of the superconducting gap and low energy excitations in single and double CuO2-layer Tl-Ba-(Ca)-Cu-O superconductors.
Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communications) 56 pp. R11 427-R11 430 (cond-mat/9711099).
- Kang M., Blumberg G., Klein M.V., and Kolesnikov N.N.
Resonance Raman study of the superconducting gap and low energy excitations in Tl2Ba2CuO6+δ superconductors.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, pp. 4434-4438. pdf - Blumberg G., Abbamonte P., and Klein M. V. 1996. Magnetic Raman scattering in cuprate antiferromagnetic insulators and doped superconductors.
SPIE-The international Society for Optical Engineering. Spectroscopic Studies of Superconductors, Ed. by I. Bozovic and D. van der Marel. Vol. 2696, pp. 205-214. - Morr D. K., Chubukov A. V., Kampf A. P., and Blumberg G. 1996. Raman scattering in a two-layer antiferromagnet.
Phys. Rev. B54, pp. 3468-3481 (cond-mat/9512131). pdf - Blumberg G., Abbamonte P., Klein M. V., Miller L. L.,Lee W. C., and Ginsberg D. M. 1996. Resonant two-magnon Raman scattering in cuprate antiferromagnetic insulators.
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